Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We at sdreamjobs is committed towards respecting the customer’s privacy and ensure to maintain the confidentiality of the personally identifiable
information which is shared with us.

We might also collect the information related to the internet domain and host names,browsing software and time of site access. Through collecting the information and use of tracking cookies we are able to improve our website experience and website.
You can apply online with the help of website
You are free to edit, update or delete your resume, papers, at any time.

You can very easily access and modify the personal information that is
submitted through the convenient signing in of the website. We assure not
to modify any information provided by you. Though we would recommend you to change the information on the profile as soon as the need persists.

Protection of Customer Accounts
Password is the most vital and important key to the customer account. Under the username, you will be solely responsible for all the activities that will happen within your account and solely responsible for the legal binding of actions on our behalf. Therefore you should fully ensure to safeguard your password. If under any circumstances you share the details of your personal information to anyone you will be responsible for any misdoing.

We fully maintain the security SU of your account. Whenever you enter your personal information we treat the data as an asset and protect it with tools to prevent any kind of unauthorized access. Although we ensure the safety but cannot guarantee 100% safety owing to the misuse of the electronic storage. In order to secure the accounts, we maintain the use of commercial tools.

We at sdreamjobs is committed towards respecting the customer’s privacy and ensure to maintain the confidentiality of the personally identifiable
information which is shared with us.